Thursday, October 7, 2010

Cranky Casket Case

    Another birthday, another year closer to death. Seems like a pretty fair arrangement to me. As of yesterday, The Casket Case is dragging one more year of baggage on his unceasing march to the grave. The fun's not over yet though because today brings more record hunting with The Ghoulfriend and a Birds/Psycho double feature. It's a one night only affair, in my ghoulfriend's living room, and you're not invited. If I sound mean it's because I am. I'm a cranky old man and you love me in spite of it. You people are weird.
    Enough with the pleasantries, I know what you're really here for. "Casket," you say.(That's what you call me because you think we're on a first name basis.) "Casket, how can I get my Halloween spirit to ooze from every pore in a slimy torrent of freakish fun, like yours?" The simple answer: you can't. You can, however, increase what spirit you have by visiting some of the wonderful blogs found here. Also, you can set the morbid mood by reading horror classics such as those Wednesday has been so kindly sharing, or the little over-written, pseudo-intellectual, neo-gothic tale being spun by yours truly. Speaking of, you can expect to hear more of the story in the weeks to come. With that, children, I bid you adieu. (Adieu: French for all the horrible things that would be censored if I said them in English.)

1 comment:

  1. Or you could spend your next complete paycheck at SPIRIT HALLOWEEN. No matter how much you spend, it will not be as amazing as Dr. Casket's lair. It's haunting and very charming.
